What Feng Shui Reveals About You
Hey! Here’s an article I wrote for-evah ago that was appeared in a Sun Valley, Idaho publication. Ezine.com found it and posted it on the Internet, so I decided I would too.
What Feng Shui Reveals About YOU
By Katie Rogers
“A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.” –His Holiness the Dalai Lama
The above statement may seem simple at first reading, but upon consideration, it is really quite powerful. I believe that the Dalai Lama is emphasizing the importance of the state of one’s living space.
Too many people are careless with the space in which they work or dwell. In terms of the Black Sect Tandtic Buddism school of feng shui (which is a derivative of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism), when a person is thoughtful (or thoughtless) in regard to his or her living space, it spills out into his or her life.
So why does feng shui have all those strange and curious “cures,” you might ask, if all one has to do is create a “loving atmosphere”? The fact is most of us have forgotten what a loving atmosphere is. Sure, we may recognize it when we see it, but making it happen is a different story. This is a result of a mass disease that has taken over our world: that is the disease of not knowing how to love our selves completely. Otherwise, creating our lives according to our deepest desires and most lofty dreams would be a cinch.
I like to tell my clients to imagine reading a short story where the author describes the space. This a quick way to notice the “symbolism” that occurs in your own home. After all, the subconscious sees everything. It constantly absorbs messages from our environment and processes these messages. In turn, these messages are sent into our energy fields, creating the very lives we are experiencing. Imagine the difference of a home filled with unwanted gifts, dying plants, and cluttered closets compared to one with healthy flowers, treasured objects, and neatly organized closets with (gasp) extra space! The first home feels slightly neglected, even if the rest of the furnishings were pleasant, while the second space feels freer, lighter, and, cherished. Even the smallest of details have an impact. Our subconscious mind takes images without a filter.
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symbolism goes a long way in feng shui– interior design by Liz Williams |
A wonderful start to a loving atmosphere is to first discard or give away any objects that you do not love in your home. Clutter is a sure way to block your highest potential as the subconscious sees it as a symbol of things that we don’t love or need in our lives and creates accordingly. It is amazing how letting go of a thing as simple as a candle from an unfaithful ex-lover or a blanket that you have never used because it is too scratchy can lighten your load! The subconscious gets the message that you’d rather have something (or someone) better in your life.
Next, play with ideas, and find out what it is that want to invite into your life. Then consciously bring it into your home symbolically. For example, you’ve always wanted to travel to Italy. Then stick a postcard of Rome on your refrigerator. Would you like to amp up your love life? Figure out your own personal “romance symbol” and drape it, plant it, or play it on your stereo everyday. The key to creating a great life is to get creative!
With every object in our homes, we are sending a message to ourselves and to the Universe. Wouldn’t you want your message to be one of pure and uplifting love so that you could receive that, and only that, back? Use your conscious mind to transform your subconscious mind, and then witness the shifts in your life.
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What a great and eloquent article. And so true. At the deepest level. It seems so simple, but we resist …. I've been "cleaning out" my life first in my living space and then seeing the benefits of how that manifests in my life. It's so nice to read what I instinctively know, but never articulate even to myself. Thank you!
Thank you for the kind response! I'm so glad you are reading…and "shui-ing." By helping yourself, you are helping the world!
Be well! xoxox
Katie Thank you for your wise advices. I love white colors in my home decoration, walls, floors, doors, fabrics, it really relaxes me, as well as mirrors. Paintings with loving mesagges about child, motherhood,nature, animals and pop art women´s portraits.(just on those I love very bright and happy colors ) and candles specially with citric aromatherapy, Im a very happy mother, but not happy with relationships (men)……is something related with what I chooose to live with at home?
Katie I will appreciate your advise about having pictures at home from loving ones who passed away in our lives. How does that affect our energy? our house? I have my brother´s picture with me in a portrait in front of my house's entrance door,in a wood base,surrounded with three wood white and gold elephants from india , brought from India, under a big mirror from my beloved grand parents, which is a family treasure for me. Also in that space I putted my brother´s special object, which is a moroccan metal aroma difuser with blue and orange stones