2019: Year of the Earth Pig
Every year, I do a meditation before Chinese New Year to get a sense of what message the new zodiac animal has for us.
Last year, we were in the Year of the Dog. This year, on February 5, 2019, we welcome the Earth Pig!
In general, pigs are friendly creatures. They are known to be playful and intelligent. They are also known to be fat, which translates to “living in abundance” in many cultures. Fat and happy. If I had to choose a word for the Year of the Earth Pig, it would be “indulgent.”
If you looked closer at the word “indulge,” it has the notions of “freedom” and “surrender” embedded within. One meaning of “indulge” is to “give free rein to.” Another is to “yield to the desire of.” Looking at the root of the word (to overcome any prejudices we may have about it), “indulgere” is Latin and translates to “to give into.”
I understand that some people look down on the term, “indulgence,” but I have seen so many people be so hard on themselves, so unforgiving, that it seems that we almost need to swing the pendulum the other way to squeeze even the slightest pleasures out of life! In fact, the word “indulge” in religious terms, means to “pardon from a punishment.” Pig asks you in a chuckling and light-hearted way: “Where have you been punishing yourself? What for?! It’s time to give all of that up!”
Pig reminds us that there are times that we must simply enjoy, enjoy, enjoy — to roll happily in the mud of life and lay out in the sunshine, simply for pleasure! It reminds us to relax, to not take life so seriously, and to accept the beauty and abundance of this world. It’s all around!
Think of the pigs that sniff out truffles – how they are just enjoying themselves, with their snouts in the dirt. Think of the treasures they uncover just by having fun on the job!
In traditional Chinese messaging, Pig stands for “luck and money,” the two biggies in Feng Shui. In fact, the Pig is considered lucky in many countries, including Austria, where they give each other pig candies on traditional new years, again for a lucky year!
And there’s a reason that we have “piggy” banks! Pigs are good signs for money!
My message for this year would be this: Just give in. Sometimes, you must just give in. When you surrender and relax, better solutions are allowed to come to you, knowing that in truth, all is well.
“Indulging” can actually lead to better health and less stress, than abiding by strict diets and ways of being. Re-think any rules that you’ve been imposing on yourself or others, for they may be hindering you more than helping. In other words, LOOSEN UP!
This is a year to fully engage in life, in a way that brings you and others great pleasure. Let’s get our hands in the clay and get messy and leave some of the puritan ways behind! The Earth Pig wants to invite us to see what good things are available to us if we’d only just allow them in!